Monday, October 4, 2010

Facing Your Inner Demons: Drugs Alcohol and Addictions

 Your kids need food, you have no money to pay the bills or college, you dream of becoming something bigger and you are just plain stuck working a dead-end job.You're goal is to get ahead in life and try and be the best you can be living on few resources or a tight budget but all seems lost!  This blog is a guide for the working poor on how to make a better YOU and a better life for yourself based through my experiences. My goal is to help people who are struggling to survive try and get ahead in life and be happy.

My name is Grace. I work for a cleaning company part time and take home pay is $175.00 dollars a week to live off of. I've been living this way for almost 3 years now, and have learned many ways to survive on a tight squeeze. The most important thing for a person to do is to avoid alcohol and drugs, because these will be your greatest downfall. Not only do they cost so much, but having an addiction can consume your life! You want to stay away from these things and focus the money you spent in the past on drugs and alcohol towards saving it up to become a better you. Addictions are never the answer towards curing ones pain. The key to curing depression and forgetting about your pain is to live well, love much, and laugh often.
I find that when I am tempted to party again or be depressed I just go for long walks to the store or blast some of my favorite songs and write poetry, watch a funny movie, or clean the house. Anything that will distract your mind from the memories in your head causing you pain. physical activity like jogging or walking or working helps build up endorphins in your brain and makes you feel a whole lot better about yourself during hard times.
Drugs and alcohol are only a way of saying, "I don't want to deal with this right now". But when you are sober and wake up afterwards you more often than not wake up feeling worse than the night before you drank. So why punish your body and your spirit for something you cannot control, which is pain? Pain is a part of growing up and living, and we all must endure it to make us stronger as a person!
Not only do you hurt yourself and ruin your life when you drink and do drugs, but you can just as easily ruin the lives of others that you care for and who truly care about you. Is this the way you want your children or your best friend or grandmother to see you? Shitfaced on the floor and laying next to someone you don't even know from a one-night stand and confused on where you are because you drank and got high last night? NO!! You don't want to be that person! You want to rise above that and focus on keeping drugs and alcohol out of your life and say to yourself, "I AM NOT GOING TO BE THAT PERSON ANYMORE, I AM GOING TO BECOME A BETTER ME!"

I grew up surrounded by alcohol. The majority of my family were alcoholics and some members of my family had a life long struggle with drugs. Because of this, one day my eyes were opened by a friend who decided she didn't want to be an addict to marijuana anymore, and I realized that I don't want to be this type of person anymore either, I want to break free from the cycle and become a better person.
The consequences of my actions from drinking were that I could have saved up all the money I spent on drinking parties and put it towards new clothes or things needed for the house, like food or a washing machine but instead I chose to spend my money on beer to have a good time. In the end, it wasn't such a good time, because now here I stand with the same old clothes and barely any food in my fridge and still no washing machine.

But the moral of this story: It is better to be poor and wise than it is to be frivolus, rich, and stupid with your money by wasting it on something that will just hurt you and your family in the long run.

If you want to get ahead in life, the first step is this,

"Don't do drugs. Don't do alcohol."